

The idea of MyFlatz came after years of observing the behavior of kids with their trading cards. In addition, we observed kids utilizing the intemet for gaming and social networking. We watched as they would go from being fully engaged to completely disinterested, then fully engaged again. We watched as they delighted in the real world/to electronic world. And then observed that, after the initial thrill, they realized that some of these concepts were for younger children and they didn't want to be categorized that way. We listened to what they liked and disliked in the way of games.

MyFlatz is a culmination of theories about kids’ likes. dislikes and selt-perceptions captured in one site and created in a way that lets them decide what is cool and uncool. The power is theirs, not ours.

The MyFlatz team was pulled together based on each person's ability to understand how kids think and respond to entertainment venues. Some team members understand kids through observing their own and their behavior and other team members are simply still kids at heart. Everything that went into MyFlatz was placed there with the sole purpose of capturing and keeping their attention.